EnVent Capital Markets Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Reference no. 651385).
Registered office: 42, Berkeley Square – London W1J 5AW (United Kingdom).
EnVent Italia SIM S.p.A., con sede legale in Via degli Omenoni 2, 20121 Milano, iscritta presso il Registro delle Imprese di Milano, REA n. 2644088, Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA n. 12149960960, è una società di intermediazione mobiliare validamente costituita ai sensi del diritto italiano, autorizzata dalla Consob alla prestazione dei servizi e delle attività di investimento di cui all’art. 1, comma 5, lett. c-bis ed e del D.Lgs. 24 febbraio 1998, n. 58, come successivamente modificato e integrato , ed è iscritta al n. 315 dell’Albo delle SIM tenuto dalla Consob.
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EnVent Capital Markets Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Reference no. 651385). Registered office: 42, Berkeley Square – London W1J 5AW (United Kingdom).
Although the contents of this website are periodically updated and modified, and the sources and providers of the information utilized are deemed authoritative, independent, recognizable and reliable, EnVent Capital Markets cannot in any way be held responsible for the correctness, completeness, accuracy, punctuality or precision of the financial information made available to the website users, or for information relating to financial and nonfinancial news, market data, study contents and any general analysis on the website.
EnVent Capital Markets may not in any way, and without limitation, be held responsible for damages of any nature, direct, indirect, contractual or non-contractual, even if the possibility of such damages is explicitly stated, deriving from or in relation to access to the website.
EnVent Capital Markets is not liable for any malfunctioning of the site arising from: line outages, technical breakdowns, connection problems, and similar causes, or for operating difficulties caused by particular market conditions. All files available to download from this site have been scanned with antivirus software which is regularly updated to ensure as much security as possible. However, EnVent Capital Markets declines all responsibility for any files which may be infected due to the impossibility of guaranteeing the total absence of Viruses on the network.
EnVent Capital Markets may at any time modify, in all or in part, without any notice and its sole discretion, the contents, images, and the terms and conditions for access to the website. The information and data displayed on this site are intended solely for information purposes and do not constitute investment advice: this site should not be regarded as an offer or solicitation, or recommendation to conduct investment business, as defined by the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, in any jurisdiction other than the United Kingdom. Investors who are resident in or citizens of countries other than the United Kingdom may be subject to local restrictions.
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